Accesați mai jos webinarele pe care Dr. Mischie le-a găzduit sau unde a prezentat date științifice. În colaborare cu următoarele societăți:

CNCH (Collège National des Cardiologues Hospitaliers)

ISFTEH (International Society for Telemedecine and eHealth)

ESC-ACVC (Acute Cardiovascular Care Association from the European Society of Cardiology)

CNCH Webinars

ESC-ACVC Webinars

ACVC Webinar: Acute Cardiovascular Care during the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Prof Kurt HUBER, FESC, Austria

Introduction and prothrombotic milieu in COVID-19 positive patients leads to an aggravation of clinical course caused by thrombotic events

  • Prof Christian HASSAGER, FESC, Denmark

Respiratory failure – What is special?

  • Prof Pascal VRANCKX, FESC, Belgium

Pre- and in-hospital care of ACS patients (including also protection from infection for healthcare workers)

  • Prof Eric BONNEFOY-CUDRAZ, France

Deciding end of life (when the system collapses)

  • Dr Alexandru MISCHIE, FESC, France

Learning objectives

  1. Diagnose and treat COVID-19 positive patients presenting with respiratory failure
  2. Understand changes in diagnosis and treatment of patients admitted for acute coronary syndromes
  3. Know how the pro-thrombotic situation associated with a COVID-19 infection may aggravate clinical outcome
  4. Consider options of end-of-life decision in collapsing systems
  5. Be informed about ongoing studies on how to fight the virus

ISFTEH Webinars